How Schools Can Support Students
Living in Out-of-Home Placements
It may take "a village to raise a child,"
but children in care don't have a village behind them.
Schools have the opportunity to create the village for these children.
Everyone in the school has a role to play. Read on to learn more.
Principals &
School Leaders
School leaders can cultivate a safe environment for students in care by:
Providing training on Trauma-Informed Practices
Examining school discipline methods and rethinking exclusionary discipline
Consider how your school supports children that move into district; how can your team adapt these supports for children in foster care?
Support Staff
School Social Workers
Special Education Staff
School Nurses
Support Staff are often called on for intervention when children in care are struggling. These staff members can:
Advocate for students in care by providing psycho-education to school staff
Liaise with the Child Welfare System
School social workers, counselors, and psychologists may provide supportive counseling to the student in care
Teaching Staff
All Teaching Staff
Teachers impact the life of each child who comes through their classroom.
Classroom teachers have the greatest opportunity to create positive change for children in care
Special area teachers (art, music, gym, etc.) are able to develop relationships that span the years and may appeal to individual interests
Visit the Teacher to Teacher tab for ideas and support
School Staff
Classroom Aides
Cafeteria Staff
Bus Drivers
Custodial Staff
Administration can support school staff and help them to be part of the solution by:
Including all school staff in trainings on Trauma-Informed Practices
Ensure that school-wide community building efforts include all staff
Encourage school mental health staff to provide psycho-education to school staff on an as-needed basis
Trauma-Informed Practices:
- School-wide
- Educate staff on what trauma is and how it impacts learning
- Create a safe & supportive environment for all students