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What will you Foster?

Resources to help when approaching tough topics with children in care

Professional Development:
Book Clubs
Professional Development:
Book Clubs

There is no shortage of books and resources to support children dealing with trauma, so it can be difficult to know where to begin.  Scroll down for my suggestions, and click the links for my guides to developing book clubs at your school. 

Suggested Titles By Interest

Building Trauma-Informed Practices and Knowledge

Kristin Souers & Pete Hall share relatable stories interspersed with easy-to-implement ideas.

Also recommended:

Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools, Jen Alexander

Reaching and Teaching Children Who Hurt: Strategies for Your Classroom, Susan E. Craig


Seeing Things From the Child's Point of View

Alton Carter's first person account is a story of resilience and hope, read this to gain insight into the world of a child in foster care.

Also recommended:

Invincible: The 10 Lies You Learn Growing Up With Domestic Violence, And The Truths to Set You Free, Brian F. Martin

Addressing Challenging Behaviors

Dr. Ross Greene's work will shift everything you think you know about dealing with challenging behaviors. Read when you are ready to overhaul your school's approach to solving problems for the benefit of all students.

Also recommended:

Hanging In, Jeffrey Benson

The Explosive Child, Ross Greene

Reading with

Children in Care

This first book in the Humphrey series will engage young readers. The story has joy and depth, as well as models of resiliency.

Also recommended:
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tullane, by Kate DiCamillo


Building Self-Regulation Skills in Students

Leah Kuyper's easy-to-follow curriculum provides students with a language for understanding their emotions and tools to manage their behavioral reactions. This curriculum can be implemented school-wide, with whole classes, or in small groups. Consider piloting it with one grade and building from there.

Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences

Dr. Burke Harris' text is the ultimate primer for learning how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can impact healthy child development.  Check out her TED Talk for a brief introduction to her work.

Also recommended:

The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel van der Kolk




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